We had a birthday party for Eden this past weekend and he loved it! The kids had a great time beating the stuffing out of a piñata. Then, they all decorated their own cupcakes while all the parents calculated when the sugar crash would occur. All of Eden’s little friends are the best and their parents are awesome too (we tried to reward the parents by not giving party favors that made noise or were excessively sticky). He was so excited about getting tons of gifts that he loved. He is currently in lego heaven.
It is hard to believe that our firstborn is already four years old. It feels like yesterday when I (Katy) was acting like a crazy woman at Starbucks because the poor, unsuspecting employee didn’t put enough ice in the blender to satisfy an epic pregnancy/heat wave/caffeine craving. Our sweet Eden was born during a two-week period in the summer of 2013 when there was high temperatures and no rain (it was technically a drought). In that sweltering hospital, we got one of the best gifts of our lives. No, not the tea and toast after delivery (although that was pretty spectacular). Eden has been a sweet, smart, imaginative, and hilarious addition to our family.
All we want for our boys is that they would grow to love Jesus. If that was the only thing we ever gave them, it would be the best gift they ever received. As they grow each year, we are increasingly thankful for friends and family around us who also want them to love Jesus. Thank you guys for being a great example to our sons and for loving them.
Happy birthday, Eden! Please try to ration all of that piñata candy.