In this time of uncertainty for us with our visa (and other things), God has been so good. He has continued to show us favour and grace in everything we do.
Many times in life we find ourselves in seasons of chaos. We feel like it is chaos, because we don't see the purpose or outcome of our situation. But God...He sees the purpose. He sees the outcome. When we put our faith in Him, we are building our house on the solid rock that no wave, wind, or earthquake could ever move.
The important thing during these seasons is to focus on what God is trying to teach us. We get too fixated on worry, anxiety, if we have the power to change anything. The enemy wants to keep those feelings and emotions in the front of our minds. But God will "work all things for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
If we remain focused on God, we will be able to grow closer to Him and stronger in our purpose and calling.
Quick reminder...
We will be fasting and praying on Wednesday about our visa situation. We need God to give us wisdom and favour to know what to do next. We invite you to join us. As a team, we will stand together.