Summer in Ireland

Summer is here. In Ireland that means a sunny day here and there, and it will be less cold and less rainy. Our schedule, however, changes a good bit for the summer.

Katy will be finishing up the Alpha Course with St. Mark's South this next week. They've had great success and are excited for the next term. We have finished up most of our work on campus for this term. Here's what's going on as we enter into summer...

  • We will be working on preparation and travel for our annual CONNECT Conference in Germany at the end of July. We are praying our visas get sorted by then (yes, we are still waiting...a year later).
  • We will be working on a rebranding campaign for SFC Europe.
  • We will be preparing for a student leadership training conference we will help run in August here in Dublin. It is called Influence.
  • We will be spending much-needed quality time with the kids and various family and friends visiting throughout the summer.

Thank you so much for you prayers and support. Please be in prayer with us specifically regarding our visas. We have not heard anything from the Irish Government after over a year. God will provide!