This past weekend I (Katy) attended a leadership retreat for women in ministry. I had a God-ordained prayer session with one of the leaders. She shared very timely advice and prayers with me. I gave her limited details about my eye problem. She, with no medical knowledge, prayed very specific prayers about my condition. She prayed things one with no medical experience would know. God spoke though her.
At the end of our prayer time she told me we really need people in our life during this time. With my eye not healing, Eli not sleeping, and uncertainty with direction in ministry we need prayer and physical support more than ever. My mind immediately turned to you.
Every week we post updates, prayer requests, praise reports. And every week you read, pray, and give so we can continue following God's call. Together we are making a difference in Ireland. Even in times of uncertainty, we can be sure that God is moving. Now more than ever we need you. We value your prayers. Your prayers will be the deciding factor in so many students' lives. Your prayers will be the deciding factor in our lives.
Thank you so much. We are so grateful for your love and support.