This Thursday night I’ll be driving over to Limerick to speak at the SFC meeting there. Brent and Lori Enget are back in the states getting some much-needed family time. At the helm of SFC Limerick in their absence is Matt Shepherd. He’s doing a spectacular job handling all of the responsibilities that come with being a key leader in a college ministry.
He has wisely delegated some of the speaking tasks to other ministry leaders around Limerick. He’s included me and Blake in two of the weekly meetings, so my turn is this week. The theme of the messages for the semester has been the ten commandments. My topic is “Do Not Steal.” It is a tricky one to teach on, because there is more to it than a simple “don’t do it, k?”
At the heart of all our instinctual human behaviors (including stealing) is sometimes a fundamental lack of trust in God. Just like the Israelites, all humans need the loving hand of God to show us a better way. But unlike the Israelites, today we have the new covenant with God through Jesus. We can live in a better way because Jesus is our strength and help in overcoming what our nature cannot fight. He helps us to trust God and live in loving community with others.
Please be in prayer that I communicate well to these students through the power of the Holy Spirit and that He will also inspire them to have great questions and thoughts for our discussion. You guys are awesome and we can sense that you’ve got our backs in prayer. Thanks for being there for us AND here with us as we go forward.