Over a year ago, a group from St. Mark's Church were sent to begin pioneering a church in South Dublin. They've grown together, connected with the local community of Ballybrack, and have prepare the way for a local church to be born.
This past Sunday our St. Mark's Church family prayed for, commissioned, and released the St. Mark's South (SMS) team. Beginning September 11th SMS will launch Sunday morning meetings as well as several other community oriented gatherings that will bless the Ballybrack area in the name of Jesus. I really should say "they" will be...I should say WE.
Katy and I have felt God lead us to commit fully to SMS and help serve this team however we can. The church is local to our home, our boys will be better connected, and we feel it will be a key move in our life & ministry. Katy and the boys will be solely involved in SMS. I will continue to coordinate the worship team at St. Mark's in the city. I will attend in the city twice a month and SMS the other two Sunday's.
We are so excited about what God will do through this community of faith in Ballybrack. We are also excited for this new page in this chapter of our life.
Thanks for all your prayers and support. Together we move into this new season!