Katy and I have been reconsidering a lot of what we understand to be the priority and mission of individual believers and the church as a whole. I think these thoughts are normal for people who have left their home culture and are learning a new one.
To that end, here are four core values to us in ministry/church life.
- Community: We want the priority of community to guide what programs we build, what events we attend, and what organizations of which we are a part. (To be clear, we mean both community within the church and also within our local area.)
- Responsibility: We want to prioritize the responsibility of all believers to carry the mantle of ministry within the church and their local community. We want to model the way as believers empowered by the church to be active in our local community, making disciples and preaching the Gospel through conversations, actions, and life decisions.
- Language: We want to recalibrate our language bringing clarity to what we do and why we do it. Language can not only be confusing for new people attending a church/ministry event, it can cause internal confusion as to a believer's role and responsibility in ministry.
- Holiness: We want to strive for holiness. This is really only fully possible when lived out through community with other believers with the same priority. As we do this, we want to create an environment which would invite and encourage non-believers to see and understand our journey.
These are simple things. They're not new things. These are personal goals. We believe these goals will help us to fulfill the mission God has given us.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are striving to connect the university students of Ireland to Christ.