CONNECT Conference

The ministry highlight of every summer is SFC Europe's annual CONNECT Conference. It is a dynamic week of learning and growing with other university ministry leaders and students, seeking God for wisdom and empowerment as we continue to follow his call to bless university students of Europe. 

Every year we encourage Irish students and ministry leaders to come with us to CONNECT. It is an important weekend for us to bond together. It's also inspiring for Irish leaders to connect with other Europeans doing the same thing, learning from those who are a few steps ahead in the process. It looks like we will be taking 3-5 students and possible one ministry leader with us this year. Praise God!

This is such an important week, Katy and I try to offer scholarships towards fees to get as many there as possible. The student fee is approximately $240, which is incredibly cheap for the length and depth of the conference. You can help them get there!

If you would like to sponsor a student to attend this amazing conference, click here. Simply write the amount you'd like to give, in the comment box write "CONNECT student", and hit the "Give Now" button. If you would also shoot me a quick message, I will make sure your gift goes immediately to the student. 100% of what you donate will go to the student fee.

As of now, Katy and I are still unsure if we will be able to go as our visa is still not sorted. The second we receive our visa we will purchase tickets. Please be in prayer for this.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Together, we are blessing students and ministry leaders across Ireland. God is using your faithfulness in a huge way! THANK YOU!