We are officially 36 weeks along in pregnancy. Only a month to go until our world is completely rocked...again! Thanks to everyone who knew about my hip pain and prayed. I was having difficulty walking (even across the room) in spite of all I was trying to do. God started working a miracle before I was able to see the physical therapist. Within a few days, I was back to normal and able to do all of my regular activities. Praise God! In most pregnancies, pain like this does not just disappear.
It is definitely different this time around. We are way more tired and a bit overwhelmed at what we know is coming. However, because we know what it is like to love our first born, we are so excited for the additional love on the way. My due date is June 19th. The bag is packed and the tentative plan is in place for the logistics of the big day! My mom, Roxanne, arrived yesterday and will be here until early July. She will pass the grandmother baton to Blake's mom, Suzanne, who will arrive at the end of June and stay until mid July. We are so thankful that our family is able to be close to us during this exciting and exhausting time.
Please be in prayer for myself and baby - for a healthy rest of the pregnancy and smooth delivery. Please also pray for Blake and Eden to get good rest, bonding time, and are ready for our new little guy. Lastly, if anyone is in the mood to somehow air mail me some Chick fil a or a snowball (for everyone not in the South - snow cone), that would be the most awesome thing ever.