Last week on Wednesday, we brought Rachel to the airport so that she could go back home. The seven months she was with us have flown by! She was there while I (Katy) was hugely pregnant, during Eli's exhausting newborn period, and the start of Autumn, where we were finding our rhythm with ministry and kids.
A couple of years ago, we prayed for God to send someone to help us with Eden. We thought it was crazy to ask God for such a thing. However, a few weeks later, we got a message from Assemblies of God World Missions that someone was wondering if we would like extra help with Eden. Little did we know that we'd have Eli arriving soon after. Fast forward about a year and in came Rachel Reilly, who showed up at the perfect time.
Through the past seven months, she didn't just make Eden's peanut butter and jam sandwiches and enforce our time-out rule when he was disobedient (she was a trooper, let me say). She enriched his life. She taught him songs, games, and talked to him about Jesus. We were all blessed by having Rachel come and share life with us.
Thank you so much to everyone who supported her when she prepared to come over and while she was here. Because of her presence, Blake and I were a bit more free to rest when we needed it and do ministry when we had the opportunity. We are now finding our new routine as a family of four! I will be staying home a lot more in the coming months, to focus my ministry on our tiny, growing boys. Blake is finding his groove with juggling the worship team, student ministry, and the church plant we are involved in. Guys - thanks so much for praying for us. Please pray for Rachel, as well, as she goes forward with God's plan for her life.