Behold Our Crazy

There is one day of the week that is like working in an air traffic control tower: Thursday. I look on the table and surveyed the day ahead of me...lunch in the car, steriliser for bottles, snack for Eden, water. It's like we're camping every Thursday. 

Here is what happens every Thursday: at 9:45...

  • Katy, Blake, and Rachel arrive in Bray to help set up a mum and tot group that Katy and her friend, Aileen, run weekly.
  • At 12, after clean up, everyone rolls out. Blake and I drop Eden and Rachel off at our house, and the two of us drive like mad to the city centre so I can finish up my two remaining modules for SALT.
  • As soon as class ends at 2:50, I run downstairs where Blake the car and Eli ready so I can immediately drive to Carlow. I order pizza on the way, arriving just in time to pick it up and drop it off to the student Alpha group on campus, along with drinks, plates, etc.
  • Since having Eli in the group would stifle conversation, I then head home arriving around 6:30 so I can relieve Rachel and start bedtime procedures.

Sometimes we in ministry are tempted to hide our crazy, or give the appearance that we can cope with the pressure with no stress. But, spoiler alert, we are regular people who occasionally wipe boogers off our kid's face with our bare hands because we forgot the wipes...again. 

We need Jesus to remind us to be kind to ourselves and remember constantly why we do what we do. We also need to accept help with both hands and be thankful for the many people around us who help us in so many ways.