Creative Space

I (Katy) asked Eden what the blog should be about today, and he said, “Bob the Builder.” Nailed it (pun definitely intended). That made me think of how much we love our son and his place in our lives and ministry. 

Eden has a different life than a lot of little toddlers. He definitely has the same struggles as most kids his age: he is presented with food he doesn't want to eat and gets strapped into a boring car seat a lot. 

What is unique to his life is that both of his parents spent a ton of time in meetings and in churches. We drag him to all kinds of (to him) boring places. He ends up getting lots of different babysitters and traveling a lot. He has probably spent more time in car seats and airplanes than most kids his age! He’s still little, but knows the airport routine very well. 

The tricky thing about our lives is that what we do is a 24/7 job. There is no opportunity to clock out for the day. We have to create that space ourselves. We might drive ourselves crazy with parent guilt if we let ourselves worry about each little thing. What we need to remember is that, even now, Eden has a unique purpose on this earth. Each day of his life is a new opportunity for him to learn and explore who God is. No matter what is going on, we should stop and listen to what he has to say.

I am now realizing that this blog has taken me an hour to write. I have stopped several times to read to Eden, sing Jesus Loves Me, and pretend to play the trumpet. Creating space is hard, but it is worth it.