First off, we have great news. We have a place to live in Oklahoma! If you saw on our last post, we weren't quite sure where we could land for our two months in OK. We have friends who recently moved and are selling their house in Norman, OK. They have offered for us to live there! We will still be spending a few nights here and there with family.
Ok. So with housing sorted we are fully able to focus on getting things wrapped up here in Dublin. Here's a few things we have coming in the next two weeks. We appreciate your prayers regarding each of these areas.
- Probably the biggest thing coming our way is moving house.
- Praise God, we only have to move two doors down. However, we only have two small windows of a few hours to move everything before the 24th when we actually take the house. (Thats the day before we leave for the U.S.! Ahh!)
- We are also helping to get our group in Carlow off the ground for the semester.
- We partner with a student group at Carlow IT, called Alpha. This group of students use the Alpha Course material to help teach students from all backgrounds about Christ.
- We will also be wrapping up things in Dublin. Various meetings and planning sessions will need to happen in the next week for us to get things sorted.
We are so excited to spend a couple of months in the U.S. raising more funds and reconnecting with as many of you as possible. Thank you for all your prayers and support. We have a great team!