You are our support team. For some that means financial support. Hopefully for all of you who read this blog it means you support us in prayer. Prayer is the foundation of all we have done, are doing, and will ever do.
I come to you now with a sincere and transparent request for prayer. We found out a month ago that Katy is pregnant again. We hoped this week's post would be a picture of the new little one, however the early scan was unable to locate the baby. It is not for sure, but it could mean a miscarriage. We have a rescan this coming Thursday (13th August) to see if there are any changes. We are praying for a miracle. As I was praying on the train the other day, I felt the Holy Spirit leading us to pray specifically for this child by name. I immediately texted Katy and told her I think it's a girl. She instantly replied "Zoe", which means "life".
It took me a while to decide whether or not to post this news. Many people would be much more private about this kind of thing (understandably). After much deliberation, Katy and I decided we'd rather have as many people as possible praying. And your prayers, after all, are the reason we are able to do what we do here in Ireland.
I usually try to have positive updates here, but we are a team. And as a team, we need your prayers. We are standing on the Word of God, believing for a miracle. Will you help us pray for little Zoe? I will post a special update on Thursday or Friday letting you know what we find out.