Support Trip - Fall 2015

We are officially at the end of our first term as missionaries. Due to our Irish visa, we can only leave the country for 90 days, so we will be doing a "shortened itineration" (fundraising trip).

AG World Missions (our sending organization) gives us a two-sided budget: monthly and cash. Our monthly budget (funded by monthly givers) goes to our living expenses, insurance, office expenses, weekly travel expenses, etc. Our cash budget goes towards purchasing Bibles, outreach events, special ministry travel, etc. 

Thanks to many of you, our monthly budget is doing well. However, our cash budget is getting low. Don't worry, this is normal when nearing the end of a term in which ministry has gone well. Our primary goal on this short trip is to raise money for our cash budget. Our secondary goal is to raise a little more monthly budget. And of course we will most definitely enjoy time with friends and family. 

We will be in Oklahoma from September 29 - November 23. If you are a pastor or church leader we would like you to consider booking us for a service, small group, missions meeting, or any situation for us to share God's heart for Ireland. The exciting part for us is to give people an opportunity to join our team as we work towards something bigger than ourselves. No matter who you are, please consider joining our monthly giving team or donating a special gift towards our cash budget. For more info on how to give, click here.

Your prayers and support are the foundation of our team. Together we are committed to connecting the university students of Ireland to Jesus. Thank you for those who have been so faithful. And thank you to those who are considering to join our team.