We have reached the end of our short break at home. For the past two weeks, we decided to take some time to relax, do some fun stuff, and get a few things done at home. We will need the energy for the weeks ahead, so it was essential for us to recharge our batteries.
Unfortunately, Blake had a lot of work to do writing papers (he is working on a master’s degree), so he did not get as much time to chill as I did. Please keep him in your prayers as we move full steam ahead. The next few weeks will be challenging, to say the least.
Our biggest task will be preparing for the Connect conference that starts on the 25th of this month. In the midst of this preparation, we must also start packing up the house to get ready to move as soon as we return from Germany. We also need to start looking at houses to rent before we leave for the conference. Please also pray for us to have wisdom and trust the Lord to provide.
Thanks for standing with us! We couldn’t do this without your prayers and support.