Well, we're in Germany this week for our annual SFC Europe CONNECT Conference. In a beautiful conference center just outside of Cologne, over one hundred university ministry workers and students are gathered to be equipped, empowered, and encouraged in their calling to reaching university students for Christ.
Katy and I are helping with various aspects of the conference, but we are so blessed to learn from and connect with committed workers from all across Europe. With representatives from Sweden, Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Ireland, and more...this is truly a unique and invaluable experience to understand more about university ministry in the European context. We are always so blessed to attend and honored to call these people friends and colleagues.
Please pray for us as we lead and learn. Pray for the students and staff from all over Europe, who are committed to the call of God to reach students. Please pray for our Irish contingent attending this conference.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.