University ministry has a distinct ebb and flow. Students are heading home for the summer so our focus shifts. We want to keep you informed about what we’re doing. So here’s a quick look at our summer foci for Student's for Christ...
Strategy/Planning/Vision: We will be spending much of the summer connecting with various ministry leaders, pastors, and students to discuss the vision and strategy of university ministry. We're hoping God will open even more doors for us to participate in what He's doing throughout Ireland in the coming year
CONNECT: Katy and I are both neck-deep in planning various aspects of this conference. Planning will become more and more fierce we get closer to conference time. We're so excited!
Fundraising: We are gearing up for a two-month support raising trip through the U.S. in October. I will be spending tons of time on the phone and emailing to book services and meetings for our little family tour. More info to come on that later.
Studies - Katy will be finishing up her course work in S.A.L.T. as she works towards her ministerial credentials with AGI. I will be finishing up several papers for my most recent course as I slowly work towards a masters in Intercultural Studies.
The next month or so will be especially important to us. We have family coming to visit! To take a breath from the typical grind, gain perspective, and enjoy time with family is crucial to the success of the rest of our year. Please pray specifically for great rest and family time.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we as a team are blessing the university students of Ireland.