Another great week of #EdgmonTour15. I (Blake) finished off the final round of Light for the Lost steak dinner. I led worship and Katy spoke at Lawton First Assembly's youth and young adult combined services on Wednesday. I spoke at The Bridge AG's mens breakfast, which was attended by many minimum-security prisoners and teen challenge members. Sunday morning attended at New Life Church in Owasso. It was such a pleasure to connect with people and share about what God is doing in Ireland.
Of all the great moments this week, the highlight was spending time with our friends. These special friends...Rachel Reilly from Denver, CO and Daniel & Kelsey Collins from Chicago, Illinois...came all the way to spend 36 hours with us. These three will be joining the Students for Christ Ireland team as well as assisting various other ministries within Assemblies of God Ireland as soon as they raise their support.
Please pray they are able to raise their budgets quickly. God has placed it on their heart to serve in Ireland.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Here we go for another crazy week!