This past week was my (Blake) grandfather's 90th birthday. He is my last remaining grandparent and I have to say, it's really tough being away from him for events like this. Grandpa is a kind, tough, stubborn, compassionate, and Godly man. Even at 90 he can be found out at "the ranch" (some land my aunt owns) brush hogging, killing gophers, and even trimming trees. He is many things to me, but most of all, he's Grandpa. I would like to honour him and to reveal more of myself to you, I would like to share a story he told me once.
In the early 1900's during the Great Depression, my grandfather was a little boy living in Oklahoma with his family. It was tough in those days. Tough to find a job, tough to get help, and tough to keep food on the table. My great grandfather needed grain to plant on their land so they could make it through the year. In order to buy the grain, he needed a loan. My great grandfather took Grandpa to the bank and applied for a loan.
Now it was nearly impossible to get a loan at that time so it was more than a long shot. As the loan officer explained to Grandpa's dad why he wouldn't be able to give them the loan, the bank manager stepped out of his office. As he walked over the loan officer's desk, he said confidently, "I want you to give this man his loan. He's an Edgmon and Edgmon's are hard workers. He'll get that money paid back." As they walked out of the bank, my Grandpa understood what it meant to be an Edgmon.
To this day, the Edgmon family is known to be hard working men and women of character. I'm proud of this heritage and I can't wait to share this story and many more to Eden as he grows up. I thank God for my family and this week especially, I thank God for my Grandpa.
Thank you for your prayers and support. If you think of it, say a little prayer of blessing for my Grandpa.