We're in Germany this week with Students for Christ staff and students from all over Europe. SFC CONNECT is the highlight of our year. It's a conference designed to equip, challenge, empower, and inspire students to reach their universities for Christ. It is an amazing eight days of training, workshops, prayer, fellowship, worship, food, and fun.
This year at the CONNECT Conference, Katy and I are helping to facilitate several aspects. I'm coordinating one of the main courses as well as teaching workshops on worship and media. Katy is teaching workshops on relationships, the five-fold-ministry, and women in ministry as well as facilitating the welcome team and other behind-the-scenes logistics.
It's crazy busy, but we're having so much fun! We have a great Irish crew of eight students and staff from Carlow, Dublin, and Limerick. We can't wait to give you more details next week. Until then, please be praying for the students and staff attending CONNECT.
Our prayer is that we all would leave here refreshed and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, ready to return to our nations and campuses with a passion for the lost on our campuses.
The View