We've recently posted two blogs regarding university ministry and the local church. (5 Myths of the Local Church and University Ministry and 5 Reasons the Local Church Should Invest in University Ministry)
Katy and I have wondered "why are we here" many times through the past 11 months of being in Ireland. God has shown us several answers to this question. Our purpose and task is definitely multi-layered and if we're really honest…none of us will ever know our complete purpose until we get to Heaven.
However we know without a doubt that the core purpose for planting Students for Christ Dublin is to support and be a blessing to the local church. The organization we are a part of here is calledAssemblies of God Ireland (AGI). Their vision is simple and powerful…strengthen the local church, raise up leaders, and plant churches. It's all about the local church.
I had the opportunity last Friday night to share the importance of university ministry to pastors from across Dublin. The event was called Arise Dublin and it was such a privilege to share the potential of university students to influence our society, culture, and local churches.
Our goal in the previous posts and in this culminating post regarding university ministry and the local church is to help us all remember what a dynamic role our young people play in the church. We must always remember that investing in our youth is not about building our church…it's about building HIS church.
When you support Katy and I, you're supporting Students for Christ. You're investing in the life of a student preparing to enter the workforce of Ireland. But most importantly, you're investing in the local church