Vision for 2013

It's 2013 and the Mayans were wrong! A new year has come, and Katy and I are so excited about all the great things God has in store for us and Students for Christ Dublin. 2012 was a great year full of challenges and successes. We want to start this year by recapping 2012 and sharing our vision for 2013. We are so grateful for your prayers and support. Together we are a team assembled by God to make an impact in the lives of students in ireland. Our best days are ahead!

2012 Highlights

  • March - We moved to Ireland!
  • May - We moved to Dublin!
  • August - We attended a SFC Europe conference called Connect with two university students from Dublin.
  • October - SFC Ireland had its first national retreat called Ignite.
  • November - We found out we're having a baby!
  • December - SFC Dublin's first event ever! (An Alternative Christmas Carol)
  • Praise Reports
    • We've built some wonderful relationships with university students in Dublin.
    • We've had great favor in relationships with university faculty, staff, and ministries around Dublin.
    • We're having a baby!

In 2013 we're praying for…

  • …continued divine appointments with university students, faculty, and staff.
  • …stronger establishment as a legitimate ministry in Dublin.
  • …a healthy baby coming in July!
  • …successful spring events in Dublin at Trinity College.
  • …a quick arrival and healthy budget for our first missionary associate, Kelsie Whitfield.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. You are an integral part of this team, sent by God to impact university students in Dublin, Ireland.
