The semester has officially ended. We are busy preparing for next school year and for our baby boy to join us next month!
During this time of preparation Katy and I are reflecting on how God has miraculously opened doors and provided for us to be in Ireland. There is no way we could be here without the hand of God guiding us. We are blessed to be a part of this team God has put together for such a time as this.
You see, Katy and I are simply two people in a large team committed to seeing God's will done in the lives of college students throughout Ireland. There are people all across the US and other parts of the world praying specifically for Students for Christ Ireland. There are people all over the world giving financially to propel the Gospel on the university campuses of Dublin.
To those of you praying and giving consistently, no words can describe our gratitude. We are humbled to be on this team with you that God has assembled for this call to Ireland. Without your consistent commitment we couldn't be here.
Thank you.