SFC Europe Prayer Weekend

For years Students for Christ Europe (SFC) has gathered in January to pray and fellowship together. It is an amazing time for the SFC family to share our trials and rejoice in our victories as a family. This year we met in Graz, Austria with leaders from Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, Sweden, Ireland, and the US.

Katy and I feel so refreshed and energized. We were prayed over, we prayed over our friends, and had much needed quality time with other people dedicating their lives to reach university students all over Europe. 

In a moment of personal prayer, a friend shared an image of a bird clumsily knocking things over as it flapped it's wings and moved about on a table. He said he felt that there are (and will be) giftings and opportunities in our life that we will grow into that may feel cumbersome or clumsy right now. Our situation will evolve, we will grow as a family, and the Holy Spirit will move allowing us to use these gifts and opportunities in His timing.

We're so grateful that you are on our team. WE as a team will walk in faith plating and watering, and God will do what he does best…make things grow. Every year this weekend is essential to life and ministry in Europe.

I can't think of a better way to start the year!
