- Missions is not leaving your family.
- Missions is not moving to another country.
- Missions is not support raising for a year.
- Missions is not learning a new language.
- Missions is not giving up the luxuries of life.
These are simply things we do for the sake of missions. We are all called to reach somebody, therefore we are all called to missions (Matthew 28:19).
God has called Katy and me to reach the university students of Dublin, Ireland. We do what we do, not to sacrifice for the Lord, but to fulfil the burning desire He has placed in our hearts. We are not concerned with whether or not we are called to missions. We are simply following the heart of God, and His heart through us is Ireland.
- We couldn't do this from Oklahoma so we moved to Dublin.
- Our family couldn't come with us, so we left them.
- Our longevity in Ireland would be compromised without the proper funding so we raised support for a year.
The things we've "sacrificed" are nothing compared to what we have gained by completely giving ourselves over to God's plan for our life.
We have only begun to give our heart, life, and soul to this country. IRELAND.