As many of you know, I was diagnosed with MS in 2009 and have been on a daily medication for about a year. This medication is designed to prevent relapses and has caused me no side effects...praise Jesus!
A couple of weeks ago, I visited a GP (general practitioner) for a referral to visit a neurologist (this medication is one that can only be prescribed by a specialist). The soonest appointment he could get me was in July. This means I would be one month without the medication. I found myself at the crossroads of faith and reason.
Blake and I prayed about what to do and decided to go with the flow and trust the Lord to take care of this situation. We called the GP to see if he might prescribe a refill himself...which I was sure wouldn’t happen. He said yes!
The day after I got my “impossible” prescription, I had the medication in my hand. As I was putting my fresh supply into the refrigerator and taking my last remaining dose from home out, I thought about how God gives us exactly what we need, when we need it.
At some point all of us feel the desire to provide the things we need on our own. However, God is the one guiding the outcomes, and when we are forced to relinquish control of things that are precious to us and leave them with Jesus this truth become a reality. Just as the saying goes: God is never late, rarely early, but always on time.
I know without a doubt that God has his hand on my life and is my healer...medicine or no medicine. I am excited to see how He will provide protection and continued healing. Thank you guys for praying with us as we continue to trust the Lord!
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” - Psalm 20:7