Katy and I are so blessed with the opportunity to live in Limerick learning culture and meeting really great students here. However, there is a part of me this morning that feels a bit empty.
CHEEZY ALERT: I miss all of you. I want to call you, letting you know how we're doing, thanking you for prayers and support, and chatting you up about how your lives are going.
Long story, but in Limerick we do not have internet at our home. When we get to Dublin, we will have internet and will hook up our Vonage phone (the phone number on our prayer card). At that point we will build a schedule to begin calling all of you. I have no idea how long it will take to get through the entire list, but I promise…we will call you.
We built so many great relationships through our travels in 2011, and this morning I am reflecting on each of you individually.
- You mean the world to us.
- You are our support.
- You are our friends.
- You are our family.
We love you. We miss you. Talk to you soon.