Last week a missions team from The Bridge AG (our home church) came to help with a Kids Week event at St. Mark's Church. It was so great seeing a few of our church family from Oklahoma, even if it was for just a few days.
We were surprised to learn that people from The Bridge had organized a surprise baby shower for us, packed it all in a suitcase, and sent it with the team. I can't tell you the emotion that came over me when we opened it seeing all the great gifts and giant picture of our baby boy. We were reminded how much we miss our home church in Mustang, Oklahoma. We are blessed we are to be in Ireland as an extension of The Bridge's missions efforts.
We have a large and amazing team of supporting churches and individuals from all over the US, and you all are a major blessing to us. I just wanted to take this post to thank our home church for the love, support, prayers, and gifts.
Thank you Sherri McClure for organizing it, and thank you to everyone who participated. You have no idea how much it means to know you think of us. We think of you often.
Blake, Katy, and Eden