4 Challenging Books (part 2)

Continuing from last week's post, I would like to share a few books that have forced me to reevaluate aspects of my life and ministry.

If you're looking for a book that will push your boundaries, I highly suggest the following:

  • "Permanent Revolution" by Alan Hirsch & Tim Catchim
    • QUOTE: "We believe that in order to be a genuinely missional church, we must have a missional ministry to go with it, and that means putting this issue of the apostle, prophet, and evangelist roles back on the table. If we do not, we believe that there is no real possibility of becoming truly missional." (Hirsch & Catchim)
    • IMPACT: Don't worry, no one's going to be calling themselves an apostle (although a true understanding of the role would help remove the negative stigma of the title). Reading this book has helped in understanding Ephesians 4 and the five-fold ministry. We are now better equipped to help students in our ministry identify and grow in their giftings as apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and/or teachers.
  • "Leading Cross-Culturally" by Sherwood G. Lingenfelter
    • QUOTE: "Leading cross-culturally, then, is inspiring people who come from two or more cultural traditions to participate with you (the leader or leadership team) in building a community of trust and then to follow you and be empowered by you to achieve a compelling vision of faith." (Lingenfelter)
    • IMPACT: What we (as Westerners) understand as Biblical leadership is saturated with cultural influences that we will most likely never come to see. The author address a few of these misunderstandings and helps the reader understand leadership dynamics in multi-cultural ministries and in an ever-changing world.

My hope is not to offend, but to challenge. May we always be quick to self-evaluate, growing ever closer to the people God created us to be.

4 Challenge Book