Here are ten things for which we are thankful...
1. Eden. Only just over four months old and he has already been a tremendous blessing to our lives.
2. Family. Their love and support has carried us through our lives, but have been especially important this past year and a half living in Ireland.
3. Supporters. Those of you who pray and give so that we can be in Ireland, we are so grateful and thank God for you.
4. The Bridge. Even from across an ocean, our church family continues to go above and beyond to love and support us.
5. St. Marks. You have been a loving, welcoming, supportive church family here in Dublin. We're so grateful for you all.
6. Jools Hamilton. You've been such a blessing to us. You've been a guide to campus ministry. You've been an open door welcoming us in with open arms. And most importantly you've been a friend.
7. Students. For all of you we've had an opportunity to get to know (too many to name), thank you for allowing Katy, Eden, and me into your lives. You've been so welcoming, caring, and have taught us so much.
8. Brent and Lori Enget (and girls). You have been an unbelievable help in our transition to Ireland. Culturally, practically, emotionally...we could not have gotten through the first year and a half without you guys. We're grateful for your friendship.
9. AGI. Thank you national leadership team for believing in university ministry. Thank you for allowing us into to your beautiful country. It is an honor to serve you. Excited for the decades to come.
10. God. Really, God should be thanked first...and last...and everywhere in between. God is our rock and our salvation. He is our truth when we're not sure what is true. He is our father, our judge, and our general. He has been loving, faithful, and always on-time. We are honored to serve his will in Dublin, Ireland.
Blessings to you all and Happy Thanksgiving.
Blake, Katy, and Eden