On our recent scouting trip to Ireland we met almost a dozen people from different backgrounds saying the same thing. "We've been praying for years that God would send someone to reach the students of Trinity College Dublin."
Like pieces of a puzzle, it takes us all to complete the picture. This thing is much bigger than you. This thing is much bigger than Katy and me. God's vision for the college students of Dublin will come to reality when people like us play our respective roles; As we give, pray, and go we will all be participating in something greater than we could ever accomplish on our own. We will be influencing a nation.
Your role:
- Consider being one of 30 people to pick us up for $20/month.
- If you are currently supporting us monthly, consider increasing by $10, $20, or $30/month.
- Pray for the final 8% of our monthly budget to come in, which will get us to Ireland THIS MONTH!
If you would like to commit monthly click here. (If you would like to increase your support just fill out a new online monthly commitment form with the new total.)
Thank you so much for what you do. We are so grateful for every one of you.
Highlights from the past week:
- We reached 92% of our monthly support budget!
- The "100 people, $10/month" campaign was a success even though it didn't get us to 100%.
- Thanks to all you new supporters and welcome to an AMAZING team of givers and prayers.
- Our last church service on the calendar was Sunday at Taloga A/G. We're excited to have them on the team!
- We are still looking for someone to live in our house…details.