Welcome Natalie

Katy and I are excited to welcome the newest member of our team…Natalie Day! (@mrsdaylight)

A few months ago, Katy and I were praying and strategizing about our team. We knew we needed someone to fill the role of a stateside administration. I kept hearing people talk about the new administrative assistant for Crossfire Student Ministries at The Bridge AG. Natalie and I (Blake) knew each other through Crossfire Student Ministries so I knew her personality would fit our team.

When I first approached Natalie about joining our team she immediately all in. Natalie has had a heart for Ireland since she went on a missions trip there a few years back. We are seeing God put many things into place for our team and this is another answer to prayer.

Natalie will be helping us with stateside communications, support maintenance, and various other odds and ends. She is a rediculously hard worker with a great attitude. We are grateful and blessed to have her on the team.

David and Natalie have been married since June of 2010. They have a pet tea-cup pig…Parsley. We now have a pig on our team, sending us to Ireland. I love it.

David and Katy