In order to tune a piano, you have to stretch the strings. If you aren't being stretched, you aren't being tuned.
On this journey to Ireland so far we have begun to realize something. Our life will be full of moments that test us until the day we die. However, every time we are stretched, like a piano being tuned, we are becoming more and more who has called us to be.
I believe that we must constantly and consistently put ourselves in situations to be stretched. The more we allow God to challenge our faith, the stronger our faith will become. The more we allow God opportunities to use us outside of our comfort zone, the larger our comfort zone will become.
Wherever you are in life, I challenge you to look for ways to do the abnormal. Find ways for God to use you in new ways.
You know that thing you hope God will never call you to do??? DO THAT!!
- Go on the mission trip that scares you to death.
- Share the Gospel with that intimidating coworker or boss.
- Adopt that child you know is out there somewhere unwanted and unloved.
- Give that amount you know God has put on your heart but it makes you sweat profusely.
The goal is to allow God to use every part of you...your hopes, dreams, pains, fears, struggles, strengths, and weaknesses. EVERYTHING.
The more you push the envelope, the more you God will use you in ways you never dreamed were possible. That is being tuned in to who God called you to be.
God's job is to do the impossible. Our job is to be willing and available.
Be stretched. Be tuned.