This past Thursday morning I woke up way before my alarm feeling REALLY stressed out. We have been trying to figure out how to ship our stuff when the time comes (hopefully very soon). Questions were racing through my head.
- What should we take?
- What should we leave behind?
- What if we can't fit it all?
- What if we can't afford to buy stuff there?
All unproductive questions when in a state of stress.
There have been many stressful moments so far on our journey to Ireland and I know there will be many more. The trick is learning how to handle it in a healthy way.
Katy had left me a note to read Genesis 22:1-14 to read the morning I woke up stressed. That's the story of God asking Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. What happened? Upon seeing Abraham's faith, God provided the sacrifice.
Katy and I are leaning on reality that God provides. He has called us to Ireland. He will get us there.
I hope this encourages you if you are stressed as well. Unfortunately, with all the joy this time of year, stress is just as common. You're not the only one. Philippians 4:6
Thanks for all your prayers and support.