Dublin >> It's Go Time!

Highlights from our trip to Ireland:

  • Enjoyed quality time with Sean & Susan Mullarkey (senior pastors at St. Marks Church)
  • Attended a ceremony honoring missionary heroes, Gary & Wilma Davidson as well as the new Assemblies of God Ireland superintendent, PJ Booth
  • Met and prayed with fellow Students For Christ missionaries from all over Europe in Limerick, Ireland
  • Shot 3 new videos I can't wait for you to see (coming soon)
  • Scouted possible housing in Dublin
  • Spent time with friends in Dublin & Limerick

OK. Now that we are back in Oklahoma, it's game time. We are going to work like it depends on us & pray like it depends on God because IT IS TIME for us to be in Ireland.

Heads up: If you're a pastor and you don't currently support us monthly, you're going to get a call from me. I might even show up to your church. Save me gas $$ & time and hit this link and pick us up monthly right now.

Final two goals:

  • We currently have 85% of monthly support budget. We need 100% to officially leave for Ireland.
  • We are still looking for someone to live in our house until April 2013. (click here for more info)

Our response??

  • Katy and I will be doing a Daniel fast until we reach these two goals, praying daily, believing for God's provision.
  • I will be blogging twice a week until we reach these 2 goals.
  • Please agree with us in prayer, and if you would like, join us in this Daniel fast.
It's Go Time

Please be praying with us specifically to reach these two goals. It is imperative that we arrive in Ireland within the next few weeks and we need your continued prayers & support to get there. You are part of the team.

Thank you so much for all you do.