6 Things I Tell Future Missionaries

In all our travels, many people (particularly youth) come to us with a call to missions. They ask us to pray for them and ask our advice on how to become a missionary. Here are 6 things that I would say to someone called to be a missionary.

  • Missions starts now. In other words, if you're not making a difference for the Kingdom here, you won't make a difference to the Kingdom there. 
  • Go on as many missions trips as you can until you feel God leading you to a specific place.
  • Read Celtic Way of Evangelism by George G. Hunter III
  • Find a great missions organization to plug into. You can't do it on your own. I obviously suggest the Assemblies of God, one of the best organization in the world at sending and equipping missionaries.
  • Start building relationship and connections in your area. You're gonna need them.
  • Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray.

This is not all encompassing by any means, but it will get you off to a great start.