This is Emmanuel. He is from Malaysia and was our very first international lifegroup leader when we were pastors with OU Chi Alpha.
Emmanuel grew up in a Christian home. He came to The University of Oklahoma just to get a degree, but God began speaking to him about reaching university students for Jesus. He saw the need to reach the students around him and decided to become a lifegroup leader.
When someone is placed in leadership in Chi Alpha, they are given a very special, personalized Bible: a Fire Bible. All leaders (old and new) gather together to celebrate a great year, say goodbye to graduating leaders, and commission new leaders. When it came time for the leaders to share encouraging words with each other, we heard Emmanuel clear his throat as if he was about to speak.
He quietly said, "I prayed yesterday that God would give me an NIV bible. I only have a King James Version and it's hard for me to understand." Tears began to well up in his eyes, and he continued with a broken voice. "Now I have a bible I can use to reach students in my life. Chi Alpha has been such a blessing to me."
In that moment, I felt tears coming down my cheeks as I realized what God had done in the life of this shy, unassuming, meek student from Malaysia.
We need students like Emmanuel to graduate from college and go into the marketplace with that kind of passion for the Word of God and that kind of commitment to reach the people God places around him.
When Emmanuel shared in my living room about how we answered his prayer by giving him a bible, I knew exactly why I do what I do. I hope this story inspires you to know why you do what you do. Thanks to those of you who financially and prayerfully support Katy and I. It matters to God.
Why do you do what you do?
Have you had moments of realization like this in your life?