Jeremiah 29:13 says “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”
2011 will bring many “firsts” for Katy and I.
- We are going to be debt free
- We will be moving to a different country
- We will be embarking on ministry together for the first time
These things will take lots of hard work, but I believe with God’s grace and favor He will get us there. My prayer for 2011 is for focus. Not just for our work and mission, but seek and focus on God. Look at what it means to seek God “wholeheartedly” or “with all your heart”.
whole+heart+ed [hohl-hahr-tid] – adjective
• fully or completely sincere, enthusiastic, energetic, etc.; hearty; earnest
The Hebrew word in Jeremiah 29:13 is “lebab” [lay-bawb’] – noun masculine
• It means inner man, mind, will, heart (of man), soul (of man), understanding, inner part, midst (of things), knowledge, thinking, reflection, memory, inclination, resolution, determination (of will), conscience, heart (of moral character), as seat of appetites, as seat of emotions and passions, as seat of courage
When we truly seek God with our “lebab”, we find much more than a person. In this journey of seeking and finding Him, we find direction we need, wisdom for decisions to make, miracles we need in our life; they lie in the simple process of seeking Him with our “lebab”…wholeheartedly.
Why? Our selfish desires, tendencies, and motives are out of the way. When we can focus on God with our whole heart, then He can begin to shape us, move us, and put us into the positions He has created for us.
As Katy and I seek God wholeheartedly in 2011 we pray…
- to be debt free.
- great health for Katy and I.
- for our full support budget to come quickly.
- to be in Ireland in 2011.
The U2 song “New Years Day” (posted above) is about being one, breaking through, making this journey together. Let us challenge each other in this New Year to focus together on God. Let’s all seek him first in 2011 and see what happens! Matthew 6:33
Please pray with us as we continue on our journey. We are in this together. Katy and I can’t do what God has called us to do without you praying and giving. Thank you for being a part of our team. And HAPPY NEW YEARS!