New Directors of Assemblies of God World Missions


I am proud to announce our newly elected leaders, Greg and Sandie Mundis.

You may have heard or possibly saw Greg and Sandie win the election in person, but for most of you this is brand new information. I think it's important for our team to be informed about the larger team...Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM). To that end...

Since 1997, the AGWM department has been under the direction of John Bueno. John and Lois served as missionaries in El Salvador for 28 years. From there they worked their way through various leadership positions to find themselves directing AGWM...over 2,700 missionaries in 213 countries and territories with a worldwide constituency of more than 63 million people. The Bueno's decided this was their year to retire and pass the torch of leadership. They did an amazing job serving our movement during their tenure.

In 1980, Greg and Sandie Mundis became missionaries to Austria and served as area directors for Central Europe for seven years. In 1998 they were assigned the position of Europe Regional Directors. They worked with 478 missionaries in 36 countries.

I've seen the effects and influence they've had within the Region of Europe. I have also had the privilege of one on one conversations with them about life and ministry. They understand the AGWM system inside and out. They have a knack for being able to mesh the innovation and energy of "youngsters" with the wisdom and discernment of the "experienced."

The Mundis' are leaders. They are fighters. They are soul winners. They are Kingdom-minded. They are authentic.

They are our Assemblies of God World Missions directors. Boom!