Katy and I don't have typical jobs. We raise money from donors to support our ministry and to support ourselves. This process is called "itineration."
All the time people say to me, "Blake, I could never do what you do. I couldn't ask people for money like that." They fear the idea of relying on monthly giving to live.
First, we do not rely on monthly giving...we rely on the provision of God. Secondly, if you truly believe in the vision God has placed in your heart, then you absolutely could do it. You have to. Ask yourself this question: Is God's plan for Dublin, Ireland, worth people investing in?
The lives of students in Dublin will be radically changed by the love of God in their life. These are the very same students who will influence the nation of Ireland tomorrow. Is that worth investing in?
Katy and I are completely convinced that it is. Otherwise, we would not be investing our entire life into this vision. Some call that a sacrifice. I call it an investment.
When I get to heaven and see all the souls that were impacted by the ministry I invested in...I'll be glad I made that support call. I will be glad I was able to include thousands of other people in the blessing of making a kingdom impact in Dublin, Ireland.
Bottom line: If you believe it is a worthy investment of your life, you can make a few phone calls.
Itineration isn't about raising money. It's about sowing seed. Itineration is raising up a team who are giving, praying, and believing in the same vision.
One team >> the team investing >> one vision...to see students all across Dublin changed by the love of Christ and sent into the marketplace to make a kingdom impact in the nation of Ireland.
It's worth it. I promise.