Have you ever heard the statement, "We can't see the forest for the trees?"
This past week has been crazy. We have had all kinds of attacks from the enemy. We all have those weeks where everything seems to work against us. All of our plans fall apart. It happens to all of us once in a while, especially when we're doing something the devil doesn't like.
Katy and I have been reading scripture, had friends and family praying, and listened to p/w music. As much as we try to avoid it, sometimes you just have to fly through the storm to get out of it. Our problems didn't go away but as we focused on the Lord we began to zoom out and see things with a better perspective.
These kind of weeks can be very distracting. It's like staring at rotten trees right in front of your face, while missing the beauty of the forest around you. Katy and I decided to ignore these bad things for a moment and recall all that God had done through this past week.
We realized that in spite of the attacks thrown at us and our distraction by them, God has been doing amazing things all around us.
I connected with pastors I haven't been able to reach previously. Katy told her coworkers about us going to Ireland which went really well. We were extremely blessed by Yukon Discovery Church at their Wednesday PM service. I was connected with an author from the UK who is close friends with the Methodist chaplain at Trinity College Dublin. And we were poured into and encouraged by one of the best missions fundraisers in the world, Dwain and Jeanne Jones.
I hope this encourages you. No matter what situations or problems you feel are taking over your life, take a breath and put those things to the side for a minute. As you zoom out and see your life as the Lord sees it, you will be amazed at the beautiful forest that God is continually growing in spite of the rotten trees that previously consumed your view.
Thank you for your prayers. They were especially important is week. Keep them up. Together, we will be reaching students in Ireland before we know it!