"Being a part of a community of faith involves being exposed to the life of Christ in others. Just as we are identified with Christ and His Church in baptism, we now share life in Christ with one another. But to whom can you deliberately, intentionally, and sacrificially show the life of Christ in this way? This is foundational in making disciples. And we will multiply the Gospel only when we allow other to get close enough to us to see the life of Christ in action." - Radical by David Platt
This is a continuation of a blog I recently posted, "Buckshot Discipleship." You an read it here.
If we want to truly disciple people we MUST allow them in our life to see the nitty gritty. Allow them to see the rubbish we are as people and God's grace working through us that helps us overcome ourselves...THEN you will be in a position to intentionally disciple others.
This is the kind of ministry we want to see in Ireland. We want to pour into students and train them to pour into those around them. This is THE most effective way to influence a culture. Period. (2 Timothy 2:2)
"Go unto the world and make disciples of nations..." - Matthew 28:19
...a calling not just for the few, but for ALL. Let's do this!
(suggested reading/resources: Master Plan of Evangelism, Radical, Fusion)