I've had quite a few people asking when we will be leaving for Ireland. (We ask ourselves everyday.)
Our goal is to move to Ireland by January 2012.
The average (AG) missionary takes 18 months to raise their budget. Our goal is to be at 100% within 12 months. We are at 37% of our monthly budget. We are just under 10% of our cash budget to raise.
It literally costs over twice as much to live in Dublin, Ireland as it does to live in Norman, OK. The higher cost is due to things such as...
- 1 Euro today costs 1.39 American Dollars.
- Dublin is a "big city" much like New York. (as far as cost of living)
- Missionary costs are higher overseas. (i.e. health insurance, ministry funding, administrative costs, etc.)
We are so thankful for our current support team. You make up the 37% we have now! You may not know this but to START itinerating (raising money) with 37% is a HUGE head start. Thank you so much for being faithful and consistently praying for us. The Lord has placed us on this team together to see the students of Trinity College Dublin (link) reached.
Together, we'll get there. Together, we'll reach them.
Please pray:
- favor towards our cash and monthly budgets
- favor with timing in our move to Dublin, Ireland
- strength and encouragement for Katy and I traveling to churches and talking to pastors