50% - Half Way There


After 5 tough months of itineration we have raised 50% of our cash and monthly budgets! God is good and continues to provide and open doors. God is building His team of people praying, giving, and going to reach the students in Dublin, Ireland. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. Keep it coming, we're half way there!

Please pray for us spiritually & emotionally: 

  • to be refreshed and encouraged 
  • to be encouraged as we continue raising support
  • to be in Ireland by the beginning of January

Please pray for us practically: 

  • We still have 50% of our support to raise (cash and monthly pledges). Pray for favor and open doors 
  • Technology needs: 2 macbook pro's, Canon 7D camera, mic kit and tripod for camera/video equipment

Thank you so much for everything you do. Whether you pray, give, or go... are on the team that will see students in Dublin, Ireland reached for Jesus.

Now down to business...

Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary! I have been so blessed to have Katy in my life. Over the past two years we have experienced extreme obstacles with health, miraculous provision from the Lord, and so many memories that will stay with us throughout our lives. We are more in love today than ever before.

Many of you have contributed to our lives separately and together...and for that I say thank from the bottom of our hearts. We have a lot of fun with life, ministry, and marriage...your love, prayers, and support make it especially awesome.
