This past week I had the privilege of leading worship at an OK Assemblies of God youth camp. I also got the opportunity to speak to the students about missions and our ministry in Ireland. Throughout the week student after student chose to give of what they had to invest in our ministry. I received so many wads of cash...1's, 5's, 10's, 20's, and even a hundred dollar bill.
I never realized how humbling that is until this week. To have junior high and high school students handing you the cash they brought for snacks during the was crazy. These students chose to give of what they had for a ministry they know nothing about.
The specific moment that really shook me was the last night. Everything was over and all the kids were heading back to their rooms. As I walked up to Doug in the tabernacle there was a very young boy talking with him. I heard Doug Everaard say, "Yeah, the band's still here. Turn around."
The boy turned around and looked at me with red, puffy eyes, as if he had been crying. I shook his hand and he reached for his wallet. He pulled out every remaining dollar in his little velcro billfold. It was $11.25. He handed it to me, I shared my appreciation, and without a word he walked back to his room.
I'll never know who that boy was, where he was from, or why he chose to give me that cash. But I do know that he gave me the greatest offering I have ever received. To say I am humbled is an absolute understatement. I have never been so humbled in my life.