Over the past few months we have travelled a LOT...
- 10,538 miles
- 85 services
- 7 months
As we travel, I like to post real-time updates on Facebook and Twitter about where we are and what we are doing. They usually include a statement like, "speaking about Ireland." I would like to clarify a bit on why we travel "speaking about Ireland."
In order to be in Dublin, we must raise support from individuals and churches. Until we have 100% of our financial support, we will not be able to leave. When we travel we are receiving offerings, monthly support, maintaining support, and asking for prayer support.
The spiritual reality of our situation is that God will and has already provided us a way to Ireland. God convicted me a long time ago that He already has our team in place. My job is simply to find them...do the work. He alone will get us to Ireland...no one else.
I say all that to say this; we do not travel "speaking about Ireland" to promote ourselves. We are not on a www.blakeandkaty.com campaign. On the contrary, we are sharing with as many people as possible, trying to find the team God has in place for us.
We are inviting people who may never have the opportunity to go to Ireland...to impact a nation. We are praying that the Holy Spirit would speak through us and allow as many people as possible to join our team to minister to university students in Dublin, Ireland. They are investing and directly participating in missions.
We travel thousands of miles because we can share an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. In Dublin, Ireland God will be glorified through university students...and we want EVERYONE to be a part of the team.
When the team is in place...every mile will have been worth it.