A year and a half ago Katy and I got the opportunity to help with an outreach in Dublin called Urban Soul. During this week we visited Trinity College Dublin where Katy took the picture you see above. Little did we know, this moment would put into motion a plan we had no idea existed. It was God’s plan for us to begin a ministry to reach university students of Ireland.
By following this blog, you can follow what God is doing at Trinity College Dublin. Not only that, you can be a part of what God is doing. I encourage you to pray with us as we minister to Ireland’s future leaders, doctors, lawyers, teachers, musicians…I also invite you to pray about financially investing in God’s plan to see Ireland influenced through the greatest person of influence in the world; the university student. In university ministry life change is world change.
Remember, the pictures you take in your life…the moments you have…could be the beginning of a plan God has for you. Be open. Be willing. You will never regret doing what God has for you to do.