We are so excited to announce registration opening for our second annual women’s conference…Unshamed Conference! Its a new name, but to fit our longterm vision we’ve shifted the brand to Unshamed. There will be more announcements to come regarding the overall Unshamed brand as it houses our podcast, conference, and other resources that I can’t WAIT to announce.
For now though, get excited with us about Unshamed Conference 2024! We are finalizing things to get registration open in the next few days. We will have radio ads, social media pushes, and special giveaways!
This conference is particularly important to us at Zoe Community. One of our core strategies is to cultivate national conversations about shame. Shame is a dark cloud here in Ireland engrained in the cultural DNA, particularly for women. Women do not typically feel encouraged or able to speak openly about the struggles they deal with on a daily basis. Unshamed Conference provides an atmosphere and space for those conversations to take place allowing Jesus to heal and restore.
We have 30 women signed up already! Please be in prayer for 40 more to register during the month of April. Please pray as we plan the speakers and stories to be shared. And please pray as we raise funds to keep conference fees to a minimum allowing more women accessibility.
Thank you so much for your prayers and giving. Stay tuned for more details in the near future of how you can be directly involved in the conference!