My son, Eden, has a particular gift of bedtime stalling. Going to the bathroom, needing a drink of water, and the ever popular, “I’m afraid.” “Afraid of what?”, I ask. It could be anything from school tomorrow, noises he hears, noises he might hear, thoughts in his head.
Last night it was, “I’m afraid of the world.” After some brilliant conversational aerobatics I discovered he was afraid of what life will bring in the future. I shared a scripture and off he went. This morning I opened my devotional, and there was the exact scripture I had read to my son not twelve hours earlier.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
I realised in that moment I needed this scripture far more than my son. We are facing a lot. To name a few the never-ending wait for charity status, increasing need for space of a growing yet unofficially launched crisis pregnancy organisation, and the first of we believe will be many conferences for the women of Ireland.
As I read that scripture and journaled I realised that my Father was sharing with me the exact same message I shared with my son. “It’s ok. You are on my path, in my plan, and in my house. There is nothing to fear here.” All that the Lord has called us to do may not play out how we want or expect, but we trust His will to be done.
We are thankful that as we navigate the ups and downs of life and ministry, we don’t walk alone. Your prayers and support lift us and motivate us to keep going. Thank you.